
Higher Education Child Support

The Basics of Higher Education Child Support

In Indiana, child support for higher education, often called “college support,” can be ordered by the court to help cover educational expenses beyond high school. This support is designed to assist with costs such as tuition, room and board, books, and other necessary expenses related to attending college or vocational school. This blog will explore the basics of higher education child support.

Generally, higher education child support in Indiana ends when education is complete, the child reaches the age of 21, fails to meet academic standards, discontinuation of education, and a change in circumstance. Support typically ends when the child completes their degree or vocational program. Indiana law sets an age limit of twenty-one (21) for higher education support. 

Even if the child is still in school, support will end when they turn twenty-one (21). If the child fails to maintain a certain grade point average, the court may terminate support. If the child stops attending school or takes a break from their studies, support may be terminated or suspended. Significant changes in the financial situation of either parent or the child may lead to a modification or termination of support.

Higher education support is not automatically included in child support orders. It must be specifically requested and ordered by the court. The request for college support should typically be made before the child turns nineteen (19) or within one year of high school graduation, whichever comes first. Courts often expect the child to contribute to their educational expenses through work, scholarships, or loans. Either parent can request a modification of the support order if circumstances change significantly. 

Higher education child support in Indiana is a complex issue that depends on various factors. While it generally ends at age twenty-one (21) or upon completion of the educational program, each case is unique. If you are dealing with higher education support issues, it is advisable to consult with a family law attorney who can provide guidance based on your specific situation.

Remember, the goal of higher education support is to give young adults a strong start in life by helping them achieve their educational goals. By understanding the rules and expectations, both parents and children can better navigate this important transition period. The attorneys at Ciyou & Associates, P.C. have a comprehensive background in higher education child support in Indiana. We are here to help you through your higher education matter in Indiana. This blog was written by attorneys at Ciyou & Associates, P.C., and this blog is not intended to provide specific legal advice or solicitation of services as this is an advertisement.


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