
Driver's License Suspension In Indiana Because of Failed Child Support

Failure to Pay Child Support in Indiana: The Risk of Driver’s License Suspension

Child support is a crucial financial obligation that ensures the well-being of children whose parents are separated or divorced. In Indiana, the state takes this responsibility seriously and has implemented various enforcement measures to ensure compliance. One of the most impactful consequences for failing to pay child support is the potential suspension of your driver’s license. This blog will explore how this process works in Indiana and what it means for parents who fall behind on their payments.

The Indiana Department of Child Services (DCS) is responsible for enforcing child support orders. There are several tools at their disposal, including wage garnishment, property liens, tax refund interception, reporting to credit bureaus, and driver’s license suspension. License suspension becomes a possibility when a parent falls at least $2,000 behind in child support payments or has not made a payment for three months, whichever comes first. Before suspending a license, the DCS must send a notice to the delinquent parent, informing them of the intent to suspend their driver’s license. The parent typically has 20 days from the date of the notice to either pay the amount owed or make payment arrangements. If the parent fails to respond or plan, the DCS can request the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) to suspend the driver’s license. To reinstate the license, the parent must typically pay the owed amount in full or agree to a payment plan and make an initial payment. 

The suspension of a driver’s license can have far-reaching consequences such as difficulty commuting to work, challenges in attending children’s activities or medical appointments, potential job loss if driving is a requirement, and legal consequences if caught driving with a suspended license. To avoid the risk of license suspension, parents should stay current on payments, communicate with DCS, seek modification, and respond promptly. Make every effort to pay child support on time and in full. If facing financial hardship, contact the DCS to discuss options. If circumstances have changed significantly, consider seeking a modification of the child support order through the court. If you receive a notice of intent to suspend, respond immediately and try to make arrangements. 

If your driver's license has been suspended due to child support arrears, you have options. You can negotiate a payment plan with DCS, request an administrative hearing to contest the suspension and seek legal counsel to understand your rights and options. Remember, the goal of child support is to provide for the needs of the child. By staying current on payments or addressing issues promptly, you can avoid the severe consequence of license suspension while ensuring your child receives the support they need. 

Driver’s license suspension is a serious consequence of failing to pay child support in Indiana. It is designed to encourage compliance with support orders, but it can also create significant hardships for the affected parent. If you are struggling to meet your child support obligations, it is crucial to be proactive. Communicate with DCS, explore modification options if your circumstances have changed, and seek legal advice if necessary. The attorneys at Ciyou & Associates, P.C. have a strong background in child support and family law matters throughout Indiana. We are here to help you with your child support matter. This blog was written by attorneys at Ciyou & Associates, P.C., and this blog is not intended as specific legal advice or solicitation of services as this is an advertisement. 


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