Understanding the Role of a Divorce Attorney in Indianapolis

While there is no law requiring a party in a divorce to hire an attorney, it may not be the wisest of decisions to proceed without one. Although most court clerks now make available divorce forms with instructions for completing and filing them, this is only the first step in a divorce, and parts of […]

Will I Get Custody of the Children if I Am Their Biological Mother?

It is a common misconception that the mother always gets physical custody of the children in a divorce. While the courts did follow the tender years’ presumption for a number of years where small children were thought to need to be in their mother’s care, this is not the case at present. According to the […]

Filing an Appeal in Indianapolis: An Overview

A party who is not happy with the final outcome of their case is entitled to appeal the decision to one of Indiana’s appellate courts. Filing an appeal requires knowing when and how to file, and which court has jurisdiction to hear the appeal. This blog explores filing an appeal in Indianapolis and what you […]

Navigating Child Custody Disputes in Indianapolis

Disagreements over child rearing issues are oftentimes the main reason divorcing spouses or separating parents cannot reach a custody agreement or find themselves back in court once a custody order has been issued. Many of these disputes can be resolved without intervention of the court, or before any controversy even arises. This blog explores navigating […]

Preparing for Child Custody Court Proceedings

There are many things that you might need to do between the first meeting with your attorney and the start of child custody court proceedings. Much of the preparation will likely be centered around evidence management and discovery. Negotiations between your attorney and your child’s parent’s attorney may also continue, even if it becomes evident […]

Understanding Alimony Laws in Indiana

Indiana law does not provide for the payment of alimony as many are familiar with it. Instead, it recognizes spousal maintenance, which in this state is very different than the alimony payments you may have seen depicted on television. First, there are very narrowly defined circumstances under which a party may be entitled to receive […]

Sole Custody vs. Joint Custody: Which is Right for You?

Many parents talk about sole custody, usually referencing physical custody of the child. However in Indiana, the term sole custody is no longer used to describe physical custody arrangements. Knowing the different types of custody and the correct terminology is important in any discussion about child custody. This blog explores sole vs. joint custody and […]

What Are the Restrictions on a Custodial Parent Relocating With the Children?

When a custodial parent moves, it can disrupt the relationship between the non-custodial parent and the children. The current parenting time order may no longer work if the move involves much distance. There is comprehensive statutory section of codes covering relocations. This blog explores a custodial parent’s restrictions and/or limitations on relocating with the child […]

Post-Divorce Life in Indiana: Adjusting to New Custody Arrangements

Adjusting to a new custody arrangement can be difficult particularly when attempting to settle into a new life and possibly a new home at the same time. There are a few things that you can do, however, to make the transition easier for both you and your child. This blog explores post-divorce life in Indiana […]